End Use and Group Filtering
Mar 28, 2024
With a focus on providing deeper insights through accurate farm benchmarking and a clearer understanding of crop performance, we continually seek ways to refine the MyFarm Analytics platform.
That’s why we’re adding a key new filter within our Analytics platform; End Use and Group Filtering. What does this new feature mean for farmers? Unlike previous options of navigation, where users can filter by crop, variety or 1st or 2nd Wheats, the new End Use and Group filtering feature allows users to refine their analysis further.
Watch the video below for more details:
By introducing the ability to Separately analyse feed or milling wheat, as well as categorising them into groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, users can explore their performance in far greater detail. This addition grants farmers the power to assess the performance of their crops with unparalleled accuracy, enabling them to compare against similar crops in the market more effectively.
Whether evaluating the success of a specific variety in feed wheat production or gauging the performance of group 3 milling wheat, farmers now have the tools at their fingertips to make data-driven decisions with greater confidence.
"At first glance, it's a relatively small addition, but it’s a massive step in terms of being able to really refine your benchmarking." says Ross Dawson, Customer Success Manager at YAGRO. "Our mission has always been to provide farmers with the insights they need to optimise their operations and navigate a profitable harvest. With this new feature, we are taking another step towards empowering our users to make the most informed decisions that drive success on their farms."